Friday, September 9, 2011

Fire, Elk, and Bears. Oh my!

Hey there guys!!! I know it's been FOREVER since I've been on here, but I totally have legit reasons.

Okay, After my last rage filled conquest about that damn campus construction, we came dangerously close to finals time and I didn't want to risk ruining anything by being awesome and keeping up the blog. I know, I'm sorry. BUT!!!! I ended up passing all of my classes with good grades!!! :D That is very important. I'm too lazy to get a job, so I must keep good grades to keep my scholarship. 

On to the story that will actually explain the title. I have many stories from this summer, but I will stick with this one for now. 

Okay. So my my brother, his friend, and I decided to go on a hiking trip in the Smoky Mountains National park. This sounded like a great idea at the time, mind you. So we packed up supplies for six days worth of constant moving through these tiny, death trails on the side of mountains. 

What I didn't know is that my brother's friend was bringing along his mom, and younger brother. His mom was in no shape to be hiking through mountains. And his younger brother is the whiniest little kid in the world! And he's not even a little kid!

He's like 13 or 14 and can't weigh more than 50 pounds. So, of course, they fell WAY behind. My brother and his friend went back to get them and ended up carrying both of their backpacks up to where we were and STILL made it to our stopping point before they did!

Granted, they are both going into the Marines soon and this was pretty much nothing to them, it was still very annoying.

This is what I imagined happening on this trip before those two showed up.

That's me in the center (of course), my brother on the right, and his friend on the left. 
Of course, this is not what happened. All my illusions of grandeur came crashing down when these two fun sucking life forces showed up.

That's almost as round as she was and as annoying as he was. These two people are the worst people you can possibly imagine to have with you on a trip that is supposed to be fun.


Now that I know how obnoxious these two are, I told him they're not allowed to come on our man hikes. Man hikes are for men! And us apparently.
It was okay though, because those two went off and did their own things that kept them away from us long enough for us to actually enjoy it.

On this trip, we managed to see like 12 elk!! While we were hiking around, people would keep asking us if we had seen any elk. We would tell them that we had literally just passed a group of them, but they somehow never even saw one. I felt kinda bad for them. Not really, but it seemed like the nice thing to say.

Also on this trip!!!1!1!!! We saw black bears!!! Two black bear cubs came into our camp while we were cooking chili!!! I first spotted one of them sitting in the bushes. Hiding. Like a ninja.

He was just sitting there. Watching us cook our chili. Waiting for his chance to pounce on our unknowing bodies.
That's what I imagined at first, but I found out that loud noises scare them easily when they're cubs. I also found out that I have the superpower to clap EXTREMELY loud. It's like it couldn't be accessed before because my life was never in enough danger.

Not totally sure, but now I know I can do it, and I can activate the superpower at will.

As for the fire, here is the story. We got bored of chopping up logs for firewood, and so we just started throwing entire trees into our fire. We found one really wide log that had the middle of it hollowed out somehow. (Magic?)

So we had the smart idea of standing it upright on the fire. What could possibly go wrong?! :D

Little did we know, that we had just created a jet engine in the middle of the forest. It... was.... so... COOL!!!!!!!
It concentrated all the fire out of the little hole in the top, creating a tall, hot flame. We cooked our marshmallows for our smores almost instantly with that thing. It was the most epic campfire in history. True story.

Moral of the story: I am master of fire, I can hike like a motherfucking pro, I'm awesome, and I can tame bears with my mind.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Anger builds up within!

I have a story that I REALLY need to vent on here. It's okay to laugh at all the anger that fills up in me from this series of unfortunate events.

It all started when I was printing stuff off...
All of a sudden there was a loud crash. My Mac fell off my desk! :(

How did I not notice it slipping you ask? Well, my dorm room has limited space, so the chord to my printer is fed through the bars of my bed/desk thing. I have to walk around it all to get to my printer, obstructing my view of the beautiful computer.

I apparently put it on top of my evil chemistry folder. I knew that class had it in for me...

Here is where the trouble starts. I took my computer to the store to get the jankey corner fixed up and make it a happy Mac again :)

I didn't think much of it at the time, but the computer I would be borrowing was going to be my friend's PC laptop.
This is my first Mac, so I was still under the impression that a PC could do things just as well.

Good God! What the crap is this hunk of shit that I was supposed to be using for a week?!!!!

You may think that I'm pretentious for owning a Mac, but you obviously haven't been to college. More students have a Mac than a PC. Also, it was a gift from multiple family members, so you can shove it!

I was very unprepared for the unresponsiveness of this device. Why aren't you scrolling when I use two fingers?!!!! GAH!
The more I used this device, the more I began to hate it's existence....
I mean, I wanted to be nice and use the free laptop for a week and not complain, but I just could not force myself to like this damn thing. It made me want to pour Hydrofluoric Acid all over my face. It was that bad...

You may think that I'm overreacting, and I'm sorry if you have a PC, but I don't care. Try using a Mac for a year. You can't just say, "Oh, I tried it one time last year for five minutes." That doesn't count. You will hate having to go back.

What really pissed me off about this thing is that I couldn't hook my mouse to it!!! Here's the deal: I dislike trac pads. Mac trac pads are FAR superior to any PC I've ever seen. Even still, I will always prefer a mouse over a trac pad. It's simply better and easier to use.

So when I tried to hook up my mouse, guess what?!! It turns out that even though you can send files back and forth between a PC and a Bluetooth device, windows does not support ANY Bluetooth device! Isn't that GREAT?! It sure was a surprise to me. It's the little things like wanting a computer to do what you want it to that gets you riled.

Point for PCs though: I think that I hated the computer also because it wasn't mine. I don't know why, but it's just not the same when it isn't yours. Haha.

Alright. So this PC thing had been going on for almost a week when the rage really started to build up. Here's why.

For my chemistry class, our lecture is in the biggest auditorium on campus. This auditorium, amplifies every DAMN sound in the universe! I thought that this was nothing but a good thing because I was always able to hear my professor.

I sit behind this weird, brown half-wall thing in class. It's convenient to put my feet onto and be comfy. This is where shit starts to hit the fan....

I am sitting in class, taking notes and trying to be a good dang student. He's going on and on at near fucking light speed about radiation energies. It's almost impossible to write down the first three words of the slide before he moves on to the next one.

All of a sudden, up from the heavens, we hear this AWFUL noise. Turns out, they were doing construction on the roof! Remember how the auditorium amplifies mouse whispers into cannon fire? Yeah. That was a good thing. Until now.

I think they were ripping off every single shingle with fucking jackhammers. Every time these guys did anything, our lecturer had to stop and wait. I don't know if you've ever taken college chem, but the lecture classes are always the largest classes at any university. So them disrupting the lecturer was disrupting the most people they could at once, and, more importantly, me.

The noise was making me angry, but it wasn't TOO bad. Yet. 

Here I am at first, when it wasn't "so bad."  

Then the loudest construction/destruction crew enters.

But this is not where it ends. As I'm angrily sitting there still taking my chemistry notes to the best of my abilities, shit starts FALLING on me from the ceiling! I'm just like, "WTF, MATE?!!!!~~" (Squigglies=anger)

It was in my hair and on my notes! WTF?!!!! Who the hell was destroying our alumni memorial building?

At this point, I'm just uber pissed beyond reasoning with. Because it's a Monday and I know that I have to be in class for six hours straight and I don't need this shit! I don't understand why they had to do it during class hours, nevertheless during the second largest class at the entire school!

You would think that universities would have intelligent people working for them, but NOOOOO!!!!

They have to inconvenience everyone as much as possible. You'd think that this was enough to get people fairly angry, but wait. It's not through with me yet....

After this class, I raged out of the building of ear death and went on to calc and bio. It being Monday, I had to go to lab for three hours still. Usually, lab isn't bad, but this one decided to be especially excruciating. For this lab, we had to run 9 tests of half-cell potentials for random solutions that they told us to.

Again, lab is usually fine, but this one has some special circumstances.
We had to set up stuff for measuring the cell potential of six galvanic cells for the first part. It said to follow the setup shown in the picture, but the picture was like reading fucking hieroglyphs!

I swear. It wanted us to jump over a fucking river on a unicorn, find a rainbow, and grab the pot of gold at the end. Then use fucking Beta radiation to change it to something else.

I hated that lab so much..... Fuck you, construction crew!
After we had figured out how to put this machine together, the group next to us walked up and said they were DONE! Their TA had given them all the answers because everyone knew that this lab was BULL! Oh. That set me over the edge. I didn't speak to anyone that entire day. I just finished that damn lab and walked back to my dorm to do my ridiculously picky chem homework. (It's picky because it is an online program and it shows NO mercy. It is a vacuum for all the happiness in the world)

Thus ends my catastrophic series of events. If you don't believe me, ask my friend *****, (HA! Like I'd give her name without permission...) she was there when I got my laptop back to hear about all of this.

BUT! Now, all is well! I have my laptop back :) Now I can return to the amazingness that is brought to everyone with a Mac.
Also, the day kept getting better because, as it turns out, I had a three year warranty that I was auto-enrolled in upon purchasing my Mac! :D So it was all free and all is well and just with the world. Yeah. Try getting EVERYTHING replaced on your PC and see if your warranty covers it. I win. And I got to eat with ***** who I hadn't seen as of late. So the raging is over.

I think the final verdict is that I have been converted into a Apple person. Oh well. At least I like their products really well! :D

Special Thanks to ***** who went with me to get my laptop. You're an awesome friend :)

Thanks for listening kiddos!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Boredom Strikes! Anti-studying and Rant-producing time

So, I know no one even reads my blog yet, but here is an update!

Brought to you by: Ranting BCMB Student (Aver4gejoe)

I have an exam coming up, but I decided to make another post instead! :D

Here is how I was when thinking about studying .....
 And this is how I felt when I thought about the internet! (Do those look like khaki shorts? Idk... I like khakis!!! :D )
Yeah. I got pretty excited by the fact that I wouldn't be doing any brain hemorrhaging from overstudy.

I'm pretty sure (absolutely sure) that I have a problem with procrastination. Although, I wouldn't really consider it a problem. I mean, I always get my assignments done and get good grades on them. So why should it matter that I'm doing it at 2 a.m. the night (technically morning) before? It shouldn't! It's still a damn epic achievement that I even got it done and you're just jealous!

I feel like this pretty much sums up my life at times.... I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not.
Regardless of the fact that I am neglecting my duty to study for my chem exam, I do have some really AWESOME pictures from lab for you! 

Okay, so they aren't all THAT great, but they looked pretty cool! The one on the left is from bio (chlorophyll A and B from spinach), the two on the right are from chem (Copper (II) Sulfate (CuSO4)). They just both happened to be using pretty green chemicals!  Even though the copper sulfate was releasing very dangerous gas, I still decided to take a picture of it. Just for you guys. Enjoy them! My lungs paid for them so you can look at cool stuff!

I know that I had an idea wen I started this post, but now it's kinda gone.... Sorry if it seems sporadic! I really can't remember what the hell I wanted to talk about. 
So now I will instead entertain you with this picture!

Isn't that Dargon just so bad ass?!!! (Yes, I know it says Dargon, not Dragon) Be jealous of my awesome pet, Dargon the Dragon!

Well, making this post took up about thirty minutes of my time... Guess I don't have much of an excuse not to study now. 

Thanks a lot guys! Hope you enjoy, anyway.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Blog Post Guys!

Hey Guys!
      I am going to refer to myself as yours truly, Ranting BCMB Student. Maybe just student for short? I don't know. You guys can let me know. If anybody even reads this!

I will have to admit that I am kind of lost on the blogging world, but was recently introduced to the best thing ever.

Would you like to know what that super awesome thing is?!
It is Hyperbole and a Half

This blog is the first I have seen, and I have to admit that it is the juice that is squeezed out of the fruit of awesome, drank, and spit out, by Jesus, then passed down through the generations until somehow Allie ended up with it and absorbed it through some strange form of awesomeness osmosis. She now brings us joy and laughter! Spaghatta Nadle!!!!   I know that I am just ranting about another person's blog, but in all seriousness, she is the reason I even made this account. I don't know if she'll ever know that, but she should. Because she's just that fucking awesome. Alright. Enough of that.

Okay.. Now what the hell was I talking about? Oh yeah! My new blog!!!

Sooooo!!!! I am a BCMB student (as you probably fucking figured), and was inspired to write a blog for absolutely no reason. It might have something to do with the fact that I am currently avoiding my Calc 2 homework that is due in... twelve hours! :D

I hope that I can be funny and entertaining. I will most likely make nerdy and lame jokes at times, but I promise that I have some good stories that could even rival Ms. Brosh's!

I intend this blog to be mostly just a place for me to keep you entertained. So don't think that it is really going to have a topic. I am honestly MOST influenced by HyperboleandaHalf more than anything else. While I can't draw on paint, I do have a Mac! So I'm getting there on the awesomeness scale. There will be science-y references, but I'll try to keep them limited.

P.S. I am slightly different in how I react to mean comments than most people. I will most likely be insta-raged and verbally abuse you online. I apologize for this. It doesn't mean that I hate you. Just that I did for that small time!

P.P.S. If you are reading this, Allie, then you know that I win for a DOUBLE post script in my FIRST entry!!! (Yeah, I'm kind of in love with your blog :D)